
ruth allen lives in a little green house with a little white hound in a small town in the southern united states. her art is informed by the birds, flowers, animals, people and anxieties around her. she draws and paints as a means of emotional expression and ventilation. she is a self taught artist. her work has been exhibited and collected from the heart of the southern us to the shores of lake michigan, japan, chicago, new york, london, and los angeles. exhibits include 'the love show', the 40th-44th annual lyndon house juried shows, solo shows at the ken huber gallery, the tomato head, big city bread, flicker, the grit, last resort and hip. public art includes her first mural painted in the spring of 2018 and installed in 'the vertical gallery' on the 2nd floor of the college ave parking deck and a design for a bus shelter to be laser cut into steel panels sometime soon (2020), both in athens, georgia. she self published her first children's book, Pink Cake, in april 2019. available everywhere right now!

Total Artwork Value: $24,606.09 (7.277 ETH)
Total Artworks Sold: 31